BDSM Bondage Fetish

BDSM Bondage Fetish

BDSM Bondage and Fetish


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

BDSM is a term which describes a number of related patterns of human sexual behaviour. The major subgroupings are described in the abbreviation "BDSM" itself:

   * Bondage (BD)
   * Bondage & Discipline (B&D)
   * Domination & Submission (D&S, DS, D/S)
   * Sadism & Masochism (or Sadomasochism) (S&M, SM)

Many of the specific practices in BDSM are those which, if performed in neutral or nonsexual contexts, are widely considered unpleasant, undesirable, or disadvantageous. For example, pain, physical restraint and servitude are traditionally inflicted on persons against their will and to their detriment. In BDSM, however, these activities are engaged in with the mutual consent of the participants, and typically for mutual enjoyment.

This emphasis on informed consent and safety is also known as SSC (safe, sane and consensual), though others prefer the term RACK (Risk Aware Consensual Kink), believing that it places more emphasis on acknowledging the fact that all activities are potentially risky.
Read more: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


In the context of BDSM, bondage involves people being tied up or otherwise restrained for pleasure. Bondage is usually, but not always, a sexual practice. The paraphilia of being sexually aroused by bondage is sometimes known as vincilagnia.

Studies in the U.S. have shown that about a half of all men find the idea of bondage to be erotic; many women do as well. As with any study of sexual thoughts and behavior, the available studies are not well controlled and the best studies are now out of date.
Read more: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Sexual fetishism, first described as such by Alfred Binet in his Le fétichisme dans l’amour, though the concept and certainly the activity is quite ancient, is a form of paraphilia where the object of affection is a specific inanimate object or part of a person's body. The term arose from fetishism, the general concept of an object having supernatural powers, or an object created by humans that has power over other humans.
Read more: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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